Tips and Tricks Vainglory: Build Item Predator Glaive


Tips and Tricks Vainglory: Build Item Predator Glaive

If you ask hero is difficult to use in the game Vainglory, in my opinion Galive is a hero that is quite difficult to play. To use this hero is necessary reflexes and good instincts to kill the opponent. Glaive itself a warrior hero who has the ability to attack the area. Hero can also be located in the Jungle and in the lane, I often play this hero in the lane if there is no friend who chose hero lane. And arguably this hero is a predator whose presence could threaten the entire opposing team. I myself just smoothly play this hero after trying a couple of weeks, and after finding chemisitry I get used to using this Glaive hero.

Skill and Item

Skill owned Glaive is also very supportive of this hero became one of the predators in the game Vainglory. Skill 1 of its opponents can throw quite jauhserta silenced for a few seconds. Skill 2 that had also powerful enough to give effect kelawan critical damage, coupled with his ultimate skill that can give damage to the entire area of ​​the opponent that are nearby. Perk owned Galive also very useful when being clash or facing opponents a lot, by itself Glaive will provide an area attack to the opponent in front of him skaligus give effect to critical damage to your opponent.

Early Game

Like the hero in general that must you bring in the beginning of the game is Pot Halcyon tier 1 as well as items that can help you as farming or clash. And the first item that I usually take when farming in the forest is Swift Shooter, with this item Glave able to quickly attack the opponent, and of course you can make your own stutter step if this item. Indeed stutter step at the beginning of the game is quite difficult, but in this way you can quickly and collect gold farming. The next item is should you buy shoes or Sprint Boots. This one required item you have in all the hero, does this item only effect the move speed but this sanga Sprint Boots useful to flee or chase opponents dying.

Mid Game

After struggling early in the game and farming in order to earn a piece of gold, in the middle of the game you will start to feel the might of a hero on this one. After having ultimate skill, Glaive you will be more frightening and certainly opponent will be very wary of your movement. Moreover, you already have the ultimate skill is pretty awful, with this skill you have the ability to increase the likelihood of critical attack and lifesteal in each stack. If the stack you are already 20 and activate the skill, Glaive will attack lifesteal area and give effect to the Glaive by 20%. And usually in pertangahan game you can create one item tier 3, and here I immediately made Tension Bow so that damage from Galive more terrible. Coupled with Blazing Salvo you will quickly assemble a stack of up to 20 to give effect to the opponent's ultimate attack.

Late Game

Indeed, the hero of this one was slow in moving, his large frame makes this hero moves slower than other warrior hero. But although his movements were slow, it is possible you could invade jungle belonging to the opponent at the right time with friends support you. And by invading the forest this opponent, you can earn more gold and items made build more dire. Once in the middle of the game you create Tension Bow and Blazing Salvo, then what you should do is Breaking Point. Breaking Point with any attack that you gave kelawan will get sick and make the opponent powerless. In order for your Glaive increasingly terrible, you could buy Serpent Mask of Sorrow Blade Lifesteal as well as to damage the more painful. If you already have an item like this, it looks like you will be the predator Glaive in the match. And for my own defense item prefer Fountain of Renewal, with these items Glaive you have an HP were always refilled like a gallon of A * ua = D. Turn Fountain Glaive when the clash and HP has been reduced 40%. Each damage you will give considerable Lifesteal to Glaive as well, with the addition of Fountain, HP Glaive will grow continuously. And if it's like this, you Glaive will be hard to beat.

Note: For a defense item you also can change according to the circumstances in the game, if you meet an opponent who has a high Attack Speed ​​you can replace it with an atlas, or if you want to avoid the attacks of Joule and Celeste you can make the Crucible.

Furthermore, depending on the way you play in playing this hero. Because a little difficult, I suggest to try this hero in casual mode. In that mode you can learn to use skills 1 Glaive very difficult as well as how to use the proper ultimate skill.

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